Paradise Beach Hotel
Paradise Beach Hotel, Hotel - Mengjes. Hotele ne Vlore, Albania Radhime, Km 12, Vlore, Albania, Vlore, Albania
Hotel facilities
Restorant, Mengjes Kontinental, Greek breakfast, Dhoma/Facilitete per klientet me aftesi te kufizuara, Kembim Valute, Canoeing
Add-on services
The hotel provides under an extra cost the following services.
Femija i 2-te 2-12 | € 20.00 dita - per person |
Hotelet ne afersi
Hotel Liro in Vlore
Hotel New York (5.16km, 4 minuta) in Vlore
Hotel Regina (2.41km, 2 minuta) in Vlore
Olympia Touristic Village (570m, reth 1 minute) in Vlore
A&G Hotel - Radhime (2.68km, 5 minuta) in Vlore
Bel Ami Suita Hotel - Orikum (4.80km, 9 minuta) in Vlore
Hotel Picasso Radhime (2.18km, 4 minuta) in Vlore
Hotel Regina City (6.16km, 9 minuta) in Vlore
Hotel Garden, Radhime (1.31km, 4 minuta) in Vlore
Diamond Hill Hotel & SPA (3.67km, 7 minuta) in Vlore
Destinacionet ne afersi
- Dhermi (55.12km, 48 minuta i)