Hotel Bluesun Alga
Hotel Bluesun Alga, Hôtels Demi-Pension. Hotels in Makarska, Croatia Tucepi, Makarska, CroatiaNdodhet 10 m larg detit eshte zgjedhja perfekte per ate qe pelqejne notin dhe plazhin. Lehtesirat qe ofron ky hotel do te kenaqin personat te cilet kerkojne pushime te mbushura me aktivitete. Hoteli ka ne dispozicion per pushuesit 330 dhoma te cilat jane te pajisura me televizor satelit, minibar, dush, telefon. Ne hotel ndodhen disa restorante, pizeri dhe bare. Shume afer ndodhet qendra sportive e quajtur Slatina e cila ofron aktivitete te ndryshme per femije dhe te rritur. Ne ambjentet e jashtme te hotelit ndodhen fusha tenisi, basketbolli, handball, volejbolli, ping pong, futbolli etj Pishina te jashtme dhe spa, pishina te brendeshme per te rritur dhe per femije.
The hotel has 5 different room types and a total of 15 rooms.
Hotel facilities
Petit déjeuner continental, Buffet Breakfast, Air-conditioning, Indoor Swimming Pool, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Sauna, Massage, Table tennis, Tennis court
Hotels nearby
- Hotel Bluesun Neptun (380m, about 1 minute) in Makarska
- Hotel Labenica (35.36km, 37 minutes) in Makarska
- Hotel Bluesun Afrodita (40m, about 1 minute) in Makarska
- Hotel Marko Polo (35.92km, 37 minutes) in Makarska
- Hotel Dalmacija (6.57km, 10 minutes) in Makarska
- Hotel Meteor (5.26km, 10 minutes) in Makarska
- Biokovka Hotel (5.14km, 8 minutes) in Makarska