Miraggio Thermal Spa Resort
Miraggio Thermal Spa Resort, Hôtels Demi-Pension. Hotels in Kasandra, Greece https://www.mtitravel.al/fr/reservations/hotels/gr/halkidiki/kasandra/miraggio-thermal-spa-resort.html Kasandra Halkidiki, Kasandra, GreeceI pozicionuar direct buze detit ne Paliouri, Kasandra, ky hotel ofron pishine te jashtme dhe facilitete Spa. Te ftuarit mund te shijoune ushqime te ndryshme ne restorantin e hotelit, ndersa bari sherben pije te ndryshme dhe freskuesepa limit.
Dhomat e hotelit ofrojne komoditet jane arreduar ne menyre moderne dhe elegante. Disa prej tyre jane te pajisura me pishine private, dhe ballkon ose tarace me pamje kopshti ose deti. Ne lehtesirat e dhomave perfshihen Tv satelitor me ekran te sheshte, ajer I kondicionuar, telefon, aparat kafe/caji, peshqira, ngrohese uji, dollap rrobash, tharese flokesh, banjo, dush.
Qendra Spa ofron pishina termale, facilitete per sported ujore, fushe tenisi.
Interneti Wi-Fi eshte I disponueshem ne te gjithe ambientin e hotelit pa pagese.
Parkimi eshte I disponueshem pa pagese
Ne lehtesirat e hotelit perfshihen: Recepsion, kopsht, tarace per te marre diell, pishine ejashtme, bar, scack bar, restorant bufe, restorant a la carte, mengjesi ne dhome, ajer I kondicionuar, sherbim hekurosje, pastrim kimik, lavanteri, berber, parukeri, dyqane dhuratash, depozite per bagazhe, pishine me uje deti, masazhe, hammam, ambient lojrash per femije, ekip animacionesh.
The hotel has 5 different room types and a total of 15 rooms.
Hotel facilities
All Inclusive, Bar, Snack bar, Buffet Breakfast, 24-Hour Front Desk, Safety Deposit Box, Air-conditioning, Currency Exchange, Room Service, Free WiFi, Parking gratuit, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Indoor Swimming Pool, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Luggage Storage, Internet wirless, Babysitting/Child Services, Ironing Service, Fitness Centre, Spa and Wellness Centre, Sauna, Massage, Barber/Beauty shop, Souvenirs/Gift Shop, Garden, Playground, Games room, Water sports, Animation
Hotels nearby
- Anastasia Resort & Spa (18.46km, 25 minutes) in Kasandra
- Dolphin Beach Hotel (28.39km, 38 minutes) in Kasandra
- Elinotel Apolamare Hotel (14.50km, 20 minutes) in Kasandra
- Hotel Alia Palace (10.26km, 14 minutes) in Kasandra
- Hotel Istion Club (46.05km, about 2 hours) in Kasandra
- Sani Beach Club & Spa (38.46km, 51 minutes) in Kasandra
- Sani Beach Hotel & Spa (39.18km, 52 minutes) in Kasandra
- Hotel Possidi Holidays Resort (29.00km, 39 minutes) in Kasandra
- Alexander the Great Hotel (24.64km, 33 minutes) in Kasandra
- Athos Palace All Inclusive (25.79km, 35 minutes) in Kasandra