Potamaki Beach Hotel
Potamaki Beach Hotel, Hotels Half-Board. Hotels in Corfu, Greece https://www.mtitravel.al/en/reservations/hotels/gr/korfuz/potamaki-beach-hotel.html Benitses, Corfu, Greece
Ky hotel pozicionohet ne qender te Benitses, pergjate bregut te detit. Hapesira e gjere plot gjelberim, pishina, do tju falin relaks dhe pushime te kendshme si per cifte ashtu edhe per familjare. Hoteli disponon restorante e bare ku mund te shijoni ushqimin e mrekullueshem dhe pije te ndryshme freskuese. Mund te shfrytezoni gjithashtu pishinen dhe shezllonat e cadrat qe ndodhen perreth saj per te marre diell ne qetesi te plote. Distance nga qendra e benitses: Vetem 12 km
Akomodimi/Tipet e dhomave:Te gjitha dhomat e hotelit jane arreduar ne menyre elegante dhe orfojne komoditet.Dhome dyshe;Dhome treshe;Dhome familjare
Ne lehtesirat e dhomave perfshihen: Ajer I kondicionuar, telefon, ngrohese qendrore, Tv satelitor, frigorifer, tharese flokesh, banjo, dush, ballkon, krevat shtese, krevat per bebe ( me kerkese), pastrim I perditshem, nderrim carcafesh 3 here ne jave. Lehtesirat e hotelit: Restorant mengjes dhe darke buffe, snack bar, bar ne pishine, recepsion 24 ore, pishine per te rritur, pishine per femije, kopesht, cadra, shezllona, kasaforte.
Sherbime: Sherbim mjekesor, kembim valute, dyqane dhuratash/suvenire, ashensor, depozite per valixhe, fax/ fotokopje, eskursione.Interneti eshte I disponueshem ne ambientet e hotelit pa pagese.Parkimi eshte I dispnueshem pa pagese. (Nuk nevojitet rezervim).
Aktivitete: Salle lojrash, bilardo, animacione, shfaqje muzikore, kercime, tavoline tenisi.
The hotel has 4 different room types and a total of 12 rooms.
Hotel facilities
Bar, Snack bar, Breakfast buffet, Continental breakfast, Greek breakfast, 24-Hour Front Desk, Elevator, Safety Deposit Box, Air-conditioning, Currency Exchange, Parking, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Fax/Photocopying, Souvenirs/Gift Shop, Garden, Playground, Games room, Billiards, Squash, Table tennis
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